Sealcoating has already started! Door knockers are starting to appear at the NW end of Surprise Valley Rd. They will start appearing at the SE end, next on Escarpment (Canyon Point), and working their way westward to the farmhouse as ACHD attempts to stay one step ahead of their work trucks. The sealcoat work will include the interior neighborhood streets but not Surprise Way.
ACHD started with the first 3 subdivisions off Amity. This includes our neighbors on Oregon Trail and the Lichen neighborhood. The rain last week put the crew a few days behind schedule but they worked well into Saturday to complete half of Lichen. The next phase will start on Escarpment and work westward, toward the farmhouse.
All cars will need to be removed from the neighborhood streets and ACHD will not allow us to drive in the new seal for about one day. Plan to park your vehicles elsewhere during this time. There will be cones and signage designating when the streets are closed and those signs will be removed when the streets are open again. ACHD claims that they will be knocking on doors to assist with vehicle (camper, trailers, etc.) removal if any are in their path, and also to notify of their presence.
Please keep your eye on the neighborhood ahead of you to see if things are on schedule, and plan accordingly. If you have further questions, please call ACHD at 208.340.9493. The dispatcher at this line has all the information on this project and is happy to elaborate. I will update with the plan for trash day as soon as I hear back from ACHD.
Payment of HOA Fees
President – Tom Wicher
Vice President – Gary Wiggins
Treasurer – Steve King
Secretary – Rachael Montesano
Neighborhood A:
Nate Roldan – Representative
Alt. Rep. – Open
Neighborhood B:
Joe Atalla – Representative
Alt. Rep – Open
Neighborhood C:
Gary Wiggins – Representative
Alt. Rep - Open
Neighborhood D:
Thomas Wicher - Representative
Alt. Rep - Open
Neighborhood E:
Jeff Edwards – Representative
Alt. Rep – Ann Dallas
Neighborhood F:
Lance Millington – Representative
Alt. Rep – Open
Neighborhood H:
Steve King – Representative
Alt. Rep – Open
Neighborhood I:
Alan Kahn - Representative
Alt. Rep – Open
Neighborhood J:
Steve Jackson– Representative
Alt. Rep – Open
Neighborhood K:
Franziska Goller – Representative
Alt. Rep - Open
Neighborhood L:
Kathy Reavy – Representative
Alt. Rep – Steve Patterson
Steve King, Chairman
Tom Wicher
Gary Wiggins
Mary Hughes
Joe Atalla
Gary Wiggins
Steve Shipp
Christa Schooley
Jeff Edwards
Alan Kahn
Steve King, Chairman and Landscape Manager
Steve Jackson
Tom Wicher
Rachael Montesano
5240 Surprise Way
Boise, ID 83716
Phone: 208-368-0058
Monday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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